
Content filtering is done in accordance with relevant legislation for the protection of all library users.

In response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, the Apache Public Library endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of our community. It is within this context the library offers access to the Internet. All Internet resources accessible through the library are provided equally to all users, with the understanding that it is the individual user’s responsibility to demonstrate judgment, respect for others, and appropriate conduct while using public library resources and facilities.

Internet Disclaimer and Children’s Use of the Internet

The Internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population. It is also an unregulated medium. While it enables access to a wealth of information that is personally, professionally and educationally enriching, it also opens doors to materials that may be offensive, disturbing, false, and/or illegal. Since not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information, the user must become a good information consumer. The user must evaluate Internet sources, questioning the validity of its content. The library does not monitor, and has no control over, information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Internet and its available resources may contain material of controversial or mature nature. The library neither censors access to materials nor protects users from information they find offensive. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion and they are solely responsible for any access points they reach. Parents and guardians of minor children, not the library or staff are responsible for their child’s use of the Internet through the library’s connection. Parents may wish to supervise their child’s Internet sessions.

Internet Use

The Apache Public Library requires all users to comply with the following before using the library’s access to the Internet:

Parents must sign for minors under the age of eighteen. Forms are available at the circulation desk and must be signed in the presence of library staff. No forms may be taken home for signature

Children ten years of age or under may use a computer with Internet access with a parent or guardian present to assist the child.

Persons using the Internet bear the responsibility for the material that they choose to access, send, or display. The library cannot protect individuals against the existence or receipt of material that may offend them. Use of information obtained is at your own risk.

The Apache Public Library denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of Information obtained through its electronic communication services.

Internet computers may not be used by anyone, including minors, for illegal activity, to access illegal material, or to access material that by local community standard would be obscene. Library employees are authorized to take prompt and appropriate actions to enforce the Rules of Conduct, and/or prohibit use by persons who fail to comply with the Internet and Computer Acceptable Use Policy as stated or implied herein.

Parents are responsible for their children’s use of the library’s resources and facilities. Parents who believe that their children cannot responsibly use the library’s Internet access are requested to monitor their children’s Internet use.

Rules of Conduct

  1. Internet and computer use is free. However, users who incur charges for printing, other authorized fees, or willful damage to equipment require prompt payment. Users agree to pay $0.25 for each black and white printed page and $0.50 for color pages.
  2. Users will be able to use the Internet or public computers on a next available terminal basis. Terminals will not be reserved for persons who are not in the immediate vicinity. Telephone reservations will not be taken.
  3. Unless otherwise authorized by the librarian in charge, access sessions will be limited to one hour per day.
  4. Users must end their session and leave the terminal when asked to do so by library staff, even if they have not completed their access session or task. Computers must be shut down at least 15 minutes before library closing time. The library does not provide email service. Users may send and receive Email through a free email service of her/his choice.
  5. Internet computers may not be used for illegal activity, to access illegal materials, or to access materials that by local community standard would be obscene. The library board has given the library staff the authority to make the decision as to what is deemed inappropriate.
  6. Users must not attempt to gain access to restricted files or networks or to damage or modify computer equipment or software.
  7. Users are to respect copyright laws and licensing agreements
  8. Misuse or abuse of the computer or Internet access will result in suspension of privileges. Persons using this equipment agree not to make any changes to the set up or configuration of the software or hardware of the library computers.
  9. Users are to respect the privacy of other users and refrain from viewing or attempting to view or read materials being used by others. To do so is a violation of the Privacy Act.

Do not reboot, restart, or otherwise attempt to fix any computer, if there are problems, notify staff immediately. Failure to comply with the Internet Acceptable Use Policy and/or the Rules of Conduct will result in the loss of computer privileges. Illegal acts involving library-computing resources may also be subject to local, state, and/or federal authorities.

Termination or Prohibition of User Access

When Library employees believe that the user has failed to comply with the Internet and
Acceptable Use Policy, they are authorized to terminate any user’s access session.

Internet users whose access session has been terminated or prohibited will be given information concerning the process to protest the action and/or request that Internet access privileges be reinstated. They may request a hearing before the Library Board to protest the action or request that Internet privileges be reinstated.

Users Under 18 Years of Age

For users under 18 years of age, the undersigned parent (or Guardian) further acknowledges that a child may find Internet materials that are offensive to the child or to the parent. The parent (or Guardian) agrees to assume complete responsibility for the Internet activities of his/her child. Apache Public Library assumes no liability for any damages, direct or indirect, that may occur to any child (or the child’s data) as a result of being connected to any Internet services at the library